Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Gate to Women's Country by Sherri S. Tepper

Discussion Questions

1. Which of the cultural innovations of the Women's Country do you think is working best for them?

Since they're trying to eliminate destruction and war, I think it was a good idea to keep women in charge of the professions (other than warriors) i.e. teachers, healers, judges.

2. Which cultural innovation is not working for them, or not working well?

Weeding out warriors genetically is a good idea, I guess, but it takes a long time! I also thought it was a terrible idea to turn the boys over to the warriors at such a young age (5) and then make them decide whether to be warriors or not at 15. Mothers can be a much better nurturing influence on their boys when they're young. At 15, most adolescents still want to "fit in" and don't want to be stigmatized. Maybe more boys would return through the women's gate if they were given to the men at an older age and if they decided what they wanted to be when they're older.

3. If you were required to practice a science, an art, and a craft, what would they be?

I think I'd be most interested in healing, music and pottery.

4. Do you think the sub-theme presented by the Homerian-style play "Iphigenia at Illium" was helpful? Did it add anything to your understanding of the story?

I understand why it was there but I didn't like it. It interrupted the "flow" for me.

5. What did or didn't you like about the book, and why?

The genetics twist was terrific. I got a good laugh out of that one. I didn't care for the fact that Stavia was so taken in by Chernon. I was really impressed with her intelligence and dismayed that she would let such a self-serving creep use her the way he did. :P I guess it just shows to go ya that "love is blind." Yuck.