Thursday, November 12, 2009

Booking Through Thursday: Too short?

“Life is too short to read bad books.” I’d always heard that, but I still read books through until the end no matter how bad they were because I had this sense of obligation.

That is, until this week when I tried (really tried) to read a book that is utterly boring and unrealistic. I had to stop reading.

Do you read everything all the way through or do you feel life really is too short to read bad books?

I used to read books to the bitter end as well out of obligation but I don't do that anymore. Actually, let me take that back. I'll still do it with a book-of-the-month club I belong to. That's only because I feel committed to the club. I've read so many books I wouldn't normally read and none of them have been that bad.

That being said, if I pick a boring book or one that eventually doesn't appeal to me on my own, then I will abandon it as soon as possible. Usually that would be within the first 100 pages.

The reason I give up on it now is that I realize there are so many good books out there I could be reading. Why waste my time on something I'm not enjoying? Do I really need to inflict that kind of agita on myself when reading is supposed to be so pleasurable for me? No.

I'm teaching myself to stand up for myself in more ways than one. :)


pussreboots said...

I'm not a member of a book club that has an assigned book to read but I can see why you feel obligated to finish the books for the club. I would do the same thing. My post is here.